At about 11 this morning Damon, our long suffering assistant editor, sent off the first proper assembly of the movie for all the big knobs to watch. What will they all think? Will I ever work in this town again? It was a tough job getting the assembly done in time and that was with an extra days grace kindly supplied to us by Maggie. Johnathan put in an absolutely Herculean effort last yesterday and worked for 20 hours straight on the cut. We left the edit at 530 this morning absolutely destroyed. I supplied moral support to Johnathan by reading Q magazine, playing Freecell on my laptop and dozing on the couch in the back of the edit room. Johnathan struggled gamely onwards while my ability to make any sensible decision was seriously affected by wanting desperately to go home and get some sleep. And all the while Damon slept on the couch in the edit room next door waiting for us to finish so he could slug it all together for us.
These guys are amazing, they have put their trust and loyalty in me so we can do the best possible job and have something on our resumé of which we are all proud. But the sight of us wandering through the dimly lit corridors of the editing rooms at 5am looking for sustenace was not a pretty sight.
Today we met the music editors, a happy couple, named Sienna and John. It will be their job to slug in various compositions and musical ideas so that we and Camara, our fine composer, can have a clear idea of the musical approach for each scene. I feel very strongly that the tone of the movie will be heralded by the music and hope that we can discover something that is both hip and funny. In my minds ear I imagine a combination of Y2K beats with tubas, accordians and kazoos playing over the top…