As Bob Geldof once said to an unhelpful TV producer while we were getting Band Aid together (OK so he did most of the work!)…anyhow as Bob said, “I have a double-page spread in the paper on Monday. On the left hand page will be a list of all those people who have helped and on the right hand page will be a list of all those who haven’t helped…and right now yours is the only name on the right hand page!”
The thanks page on our site (the left side) will be up soon and it’s going to be a freakin’ nightmare keeping it current. Just today I’ve been given major favors and time by 10 people I know and by about 20 actors I don’t. What’s even more remarkable is that none of these folk stand to gain a damn thing from this movie other than a stab at glory and securing my undying gratitude – though I’m sure that some people might tell you that the shelf-life of my undying gratitude is roughly the same as a packet of defrosted shrimp.
To those left-pagers I say “Thank-you!” (you know who you are). To those right-pagers amongst you I say, “I have a double page spread in the paper on Monday….etc.”
(Feeling bored? Check out the BAND AID story in the DICK’S DIARIES section)