First day of shooting complete! So far so good. 28 set-ups and four company moves in 12 hours (not too shabby). And inevitably, on this our first day, we shot the very last scene of the movie! Everything we shoot from now on will be a build up to this final moment of joy. What’s a set-up? That’s when you shoot one angle on a scene. If you move the camera to another spot to shoot the scene or change the lens (and thereby the focus marks etc.) that’s a new set-up.
I feel blessed today – the sun shone for the first time in 10 days. Whatever the future brings I am grateful for this gesture from above. I ate a fine grilled cheese, bacon and tomato sarnie at IHOP in celebration.
P.S. The ‘Indian’ – the fabulous hunk of Winnebago engineering that Buss purchases to take his charges down the Eastern Seaboard made her official debut on set today…and how gorgeous she looked as she turned the corner in our first shot. Well done the art crew!
The Indian is prepared for War by the art department – notice
Vancouver’s wondrous weather!