DAY THREE – BACKSTAGE AFTER THE BARCELONA GIG: Daniel is back on set at 630am, arm held to his side, but smiling and ready for action. Wow! The first dialogue scene of the movie and I have a tough time blocking it to my satisfaction but it gels nicely – the band are starting to play the scenes and their characters with truth rather than for results and I am full of optimism for the weeks ahead. Rachel is moved to ask me about the numerous re-writes this scene has undergone – all for valid reasons I should add – however I wasn’t going to give her my perspective so what makes you think you’re any different? After lunch we use one part of the Olympic Plaza for Los Angeles and another for Barcelona – hope no-one notices the red-tile flooring is the same! We finish with Hannah up a tree in her coloured socks and a tiny skirt but the blue skies have evaded us today – and that was my brief: shoot loads of palm trees and blue skies.