DAY THIRTEEN – SCLUB VISIT A HOLLYWOOD STUDIO. We started and finished the day in the toilet. Dawn saw nineteen of us squeezed into the ladies room where Tina KO’s Clone Hannah. Boys I have great news for you – the girls room smells just as bad as the boys does. Having played a bit part of a commercial director in 2gether I decided to cast myself against type in this film and play a music video director – not perhaps my smartest move as the day was strenuous and there was a lot to accomplish. Perhaps I should have spent the cash on someone else and concentrated on the scene more? How does Woody do it? For the second time in two days one of our locations didn’t come through the way we’d planned it. I pushed the crew with savage impatience and completed the scene within minutes in a makeshift spur of the moment substitute but was not proud that I was unable to conceal my fury. Late in the afternoon I discovered that Rachel was scheduled to leave the set to catch an evening flight to London so she could record there tomorrow. Unfortunately no-one had told Guillermo or I and there was little chance of us getting Rachel to her plane. It’s my job to get the movie made and I should be able to put all other concerns aside and say “I don’t care,” but I did. But inside I knew we were going to go late and sure enough Rachel missed her flight and the guilt stuck with me all weekend. What hurt me more was that her performance today at the security booth with the bucket of soapy water was relaxed, charming, funny and free – her best work on the movie to date. Did she hear my praise or did she think I was trying to compensate for keeping her late? Jon, who always has his lines down, is always on the case and – I have come to learn – is the rock on which SClub is built, is kind enough to reassure me that all will be well on Monday.