DAY NINE – SCLUB SEE THEMSELVES ON TV – THE FAMOUS FINAL SCENE. My Mum always wanted to visit Sitges and she never got her wish. But here I am on the first day of the off season stopping traffic on its famous beach. The morning started slow – everyone seemed to be recovering from the weekend and I pushed as hard as I could to the point where I felt I was driving the band before me like some driver on a Wells Fargo stage coach – whipping my acting horses into a lather with no concern for their welfare unless the scenes were completed with speed. As any director will tell you this is a fruitless way to go about your business, your job is to nourish your actors like tender flowers so that they will flourish and give you of their best. However the afternoon hung heavy on my shoulders – we were shooting two different endings for the film and I was concerned about completing coverage for both scenes before darkness fell. As the bemused residents watched over us from the small promenade my worst fears were realised and at dusk the scenes were imcomplete. For the first time on the movie we had failed to complete the day. We will now have to find time in our already packed schedule to get the extra footage we need.