The Production Meeting. Set in a hotel room somewhere in Barcelona we plod through what is possibly the most tedious yet important meeting we’ll have for the film. All departments are represented including our newly arrived sound chaps from London, Tim and Will, who have just finished working on a movie which is being edited by my cousin-in-law – small world. Guillermo guides us through the script scene by scene and we make sure that all the things we need to make the movie will be available for that scene: 100 extras on the day in front of the Fuller Center means 100 extra meals; much to Alan’s surprise (dismay?) a Fire Eater has been requested for the chase through old Barcelona (my fault); a motion control camera is required for scene 43; a steadicam for scene 10. It goes on and on. My day ends with the delightful task of approving four sexy outfits for Susan Sealove the beastly dame who will kidnap Alistair the band’s manager in scene 8.